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Views: 151
Wife got me some backdrops so I'm setting up a new studio. A little musing on a 3 string Dulci. Hope you enjoy.

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  • Zeppelinesque with a touch of J Tull. Cool.

  • Sounds great! Maybe I need some cool backdrops - looks nice.

  • Beautiful Dulcimer music you can get Freemake Video converter convert file to Mp4 could be seen on any phone ipad or computer then you can download at

  • vids loaded  directly on cbn wont  work on some devices . it is best to load to youtube  . then  load to cbn from there   (using the youtube link to the lower left  ) not the  main  upload box above . 

  • Thanks for trying to view. Not sure why it won't work on ipad, it is a .mov file ?

  • Can't see it, darn! iPad crap!
  • Yep! Indeed Bluesheart Very Enjoyable :-), love Ducltars, have built and still possess several, but they don't get played enough :-(

  • Unfortunately can’t see on iPad.
  • Yup.  I enjoyed.  Very nice. 

  • very nice  ;-)

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