Brenna playing the dulcitar

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More info on dulcitar: The dulcitar is held and strummed like a guitar but lik...

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  • Yep, love that bit of Mid Eastern twang and great funky timing, like Uncle John says!!

  • Wonderful! My dulcitar from Jags House should arrive next week. I have picked up some sets of strings intended for Balkan and Middle Eastern instruments-silver over steel, etc. and will try a few different tunings until I find one that "works"? Sounds great? I'm coming to the CBG with zero musical knowledge but a good ear and memory. Thanks to all of you for posting so many helpful comments. 

  • That was SUPER!
  • Just shows what a talented person can do, even when some of the frets are missing. lol. well done young lady. 

  • Yep, I like dulcitar too. I've been calling them various names but think I'll stick with that one for now. Don't think I mentioned it but the scale is 25". 

  • Just love the name dulcitar. Nice tune......

  • @Boogie Man, tuning is DAdd. 

  • Good deal..that had a real nice groove go'n on

  • Huh!   Not what I expected to hear from a dulci.   Really good, funky, a bit jazzy and for sure middle Easterny.  Good stuff, girl.   Really feeling it.

    And a mighty fine dulci.    

    I got to get me some of that talent stuff.   Wish I could.

  • Cool - what tuning is it?
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