Some Saturday morning Seeger by way of The Byrds

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Reminiscing with my birthday coming up on a quick take of The Bells of Rhymney:The electric - but not too electric - side of the California Dulcitar

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  • Yes, very nice. Well played and good sound from that build.

  • Beautiful Rough Cut. !  . Great pickin!

  • "Very Nice" RCT  :-) 

  • Sounding good. Notice that you have some kind of picks on your fingers. Who makes them, and or name of them.

  • Thanks again Uncle John - coming up 3/12/the year they did that song :-)

  • Happy birthday too.  I have one coming up pretty soon as well.

  • Aw, man.  That is some nice tone and playing.  The guitar is just as pretty and epic. 

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