3 course Octave Dulcitar

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Ok, this is a sound check of my latest build, a 6 string - 3 course Octave Dulcitar. I really could use some advice/suggestions as to what tuning to use. The...

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  • Suggest tuning it 1-5-8 (example: G-D-g) assuming your selected strings can handle that. That'll give you a nice open "power chord" tuning to work with. It's basically just the root note and the fifth plus one note or the other doubled. In my example the doubled note is the octave above the root. But you could just as easily tune it to the same note. It's a really good place to start for many styles of music.

    Look forward to hearing more when you get it all sorted out. That's a very pretty dulcitar you made.

  • Yep, sweet looker!

  • nice lookin  guit  man   ;-) 

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