Bert's Blues D. Leitch - A. D. Eker 2021

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Back to the 60 "s, doing the layed back rainy day dreamaway my take on the Donovan lyrics Bert's Blues ,i wonder if its about a contemporairy from him, call...

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  • Appriciated Capt ! thanks for the like !

  • Yup the Guy got out a hole bunch of records and is still going ! there is a video on thr tube by him where he shows the collection ,he shows about 20 and there seam to be more ! besides the bootlegs that are made from him, he is going at it more then 50 years? :-) thanks for the like and comments ALAN !

  • Phone screen on your eyelid, i say thats pretty close bey ! colorfull moving! thanks for the comments Rope ! appriciated !

  • Thanks Uncle John ! tryed something differend ! Glad you liked it !

  • Have vivid memories of quite a few Donovan songs from "Days of Yore", but don't think I've ever heard of this one, until now!, very laid back and colourful performance  Andries :-)

  • For out, man!

    Closed my eyes and put the phone screen on my eyelid. On the bus, ADEker!

  • Vocals shine.  

  • Good sound cooking, Andries.  Nice lyrics and effects.  Sounds like it's true and going on.  Hard to beat that.

  • Hello Poorness ! yup thats a Jew's Harp ,allthow i believe even the Navaho used them! there is two tracks of them exualy one streched and treated and one as is ,thanks for watching and listning!

  • Nice playing. I love that jew's harp (or whatever it is). Fun track AD.

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