



Corsicana, TX


May 23

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  • Thanks for the Feedback, all things  in perspectif ! good luck on your endevors for the Money struggle ,Stay alive ! i will read you later ! Thanks Rope !

  • ROPE A DOPE ,that was Mohammed Ali 's thing was it not rumble in the Jungle ,glad your gettingback in gear to be true been missing your formidble Radioshows  on the You tube ,any plans yet ? greeeeeettsszz A.D.

  • Thanks for the reply Rope. It is good to hear you are okay and coming out of the funk. I understand getting caught up in other stuff. Hosting weekly Monday Zoom meetings with the Slingers keeps me from drifting too far. I do hope you find some time to check in at CBN. I certainly appreciate what you bring to the mix here at CBN!

  • Haven’t heard from you for awhile and have missed your regular contributions at CBN. I hope everything is okay and that we will see you back in action soon.

  • Thanks for friending me, Rope.  I'm a fan of your videos.  I love that Chugger.  You were wondering if I was new..not really.  I joined in the early days of Cigar Box Nation and I peek in every now and again.  I've been trying to knock the rust off and build some more guitars so I have been around a lot more.

  • I looked up Corsiacanna.  Nice sized small city - big town an hour from Dallas.   Lots of pretty buildings.   Hey, Kale, AKA Poorness Studio, lives in the Dallas area.  Several big CBG events go on in Texas. 

    I like your music and sent a friend request.

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