FLATTRACKS: CBG “Four Fifteen Blues” - RopeWalkerCountryStar

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Rope Walker plays his original song, “ Four Fifteen Blues” on the two string Li’l Chugger cigar box guitar.FLATTRACKS: “One track. Two strings. Three chords. For kicks”Words and music: Rope WalkerListen to The Rope Walker Late Nite Radio Show on YouTube. (audio)https://youtu.be/Ywk4-d47Gf0

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  •  .Catchy and high energy.Chug away.....Stay away from them nails...hope you can kick em..

  • Rope you are the master of showing us how less is more! Tasteful drum backing, but kept the chugger front and center. Guitars rule after all! Vocals solid as usual. Loved the song!!!

  • Glad you enjoyed the radidio show, ADEker. It ain’t ‘xactly scintillatin’ TV but, like any good podcast, it makes for fine listenin’ while your cookin’ or drivin’ or sittin’ on the porch - or late nite sittin’ in the dark. (I like that Lynas closer and he was happy I used his tunes).

  • Thanks UncleJohn. I love me some Mexican blankets and I’ve got a few! Get a lil mini 2 banger goin’ on the workbench. It won’t take up much space. If you don’t dig it pass it on to a lucky littler person.

  • Noisemaker59 - I hope you got that 2 banger out from under the bed and put it to good use! Post us up a vid and let’s hear it...

    Thanks PoornessStudios! I like it funky sometimes to pepper up the countruh.

  • One track, two strings, three chords, four stars.  

    Sounding good, senor.   That Mex blanket makes a dandy background.  Darn you guys.  You are making me think about a fretted two string. There is not much room at the inn.

  • Rope's getting funky today. Nice performance as usual.

  • Love the Show Rope ! a specialy your closer whit the Lynas train tune! just chugging along!

  • Dang it Rope...today I was going to get my 2-stringer out from under the bed as it hasn't been played in a while but I got busy with other things....hearing you...I'm gonna get it NOW!

    Nice tune by the way!!

  • In honor of 4/20. Wait. Wait a second, what day is it?

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