FLATTRACKS: “Dusty Roads” - RopeWalkerCountryStar

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Rope Walker dusts off this gem from 1976 and the band Daniel Amos. Walker goes country lowdown (to C, or C# or thereabouts) on the two-string Li’l Chugger cigar box guitar. A tune written by Terry Taylor for the band’s debut album...

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  • Ah the beautiful Jesus People of the Seventies! I was there, but had to give it up when I became a Conservative Democrat. No time for it what with Satan to worship, all those babies to eat and then the endless studying of Karl Marx's communist manifesto... XD

    Great song--sometimes fellowship is problematic, ruined by egos and power trippers...best to just hide away and cling to Luke 10:27 when that happens. ; )

  • Glad you liked it UncleJohn! Yeah, I tuned it down low on this one so it’s definitely workin’ the low bass tones.

  • Thanks DougThorsvik! Well, I’m a chugging’ country star right now. (Actually, when a fella ain’t got much in the way of leads in him, he’s got to work up them rhythms!)

  • I sure like this song.   Nice job, Good play on that deuce.  Seems like you kind of play it like a bass at times.  Works great.

  • I really like your playing style on the Chugger Rope! You really get the groove going.
  • It’s a lil Chugger short scale (18.5”). I tuned it right down to C - or somewhere in that vicinity. Glad you liked it, RonNorthcutt!

  • Love it, how did u have that tuned?
  • Love it, how did u have that tuned?
  • Saturday Night and Sunday Morning!

    Honky Tonk Women and Dusty Roads...

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