Baritone Cigar Box Ukulele made by Shelley Rickey, played by Ukulelezaza!

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My partner and i host a show called the Ukulele Jamboree. At the 15th edition i raffled one of my baritone cigarbox ukuleles off. It was won by the great Ukulelezaza. Here he is playing it.

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  • Mighty IMPRESSIVE looking and sounding instrument and playing as well! CHEERS for posting!

  • It sounds really good.
  • that sounds great...didn't think those tie things would work so well!!
  • Thanks Guys!
  • I like the tie-wrap frets. Sounds great.
  • Excellent!!
  • Sounds and looks great!
  • Wow. Super playing on a fine sounding instrument. Credit to all concerned.
  • Looks good, sounds good.  Nice playing.  I like the cable tie frets.
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