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Views: 103
1 set large 1 set small screen door wheels 1/4 in thick piece of wood you will need longer bolt them come with the wheels. Drill 4 holes two for the bottom wheels 1 1/2 in. apart, one on the top of the slot and one at the bottom of slot to adjust the top wheel. ( you can drill the slot out or use a dremel) The wheels have a nut one the back that act like a spacer. The only tough part is cutting a groove in the top wheel to hold the tang. I used a razor saw it needs to be narrow to hold the tang. $5 and a half hour your bending frets

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  • The hardware store was out of bearings Derek so I found these. Songs from the N.Y. tribute  record. Kind of miss doing those.

  • I like the simplicity. Great idea and good music going on in the BG.

  • Thanks folks . You could use real bearing and aluminum bar that will cost $40 or more

    Neil Young Andries 


  • this will work for those Citar curved bend frets aswell! toy wheels or sturdy type? Your Lyric?

  • Cool . And a nice tune 

  • Thanks for this RTZ! I've attempted a couple of radiused necks with mixed results. This is a great idea. Cool accompanying song too!

  • Mighty fine Neil.

  • kewl  ;-)

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