34 Blues C Patton A D Eker 2016

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this are lyrics from charley Patton a Blues singer songwriter from the early day's of recording 1929-1934 ,this song speaks of leaving the Plantation where h...

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  • Good authentic sounds Andries! 

  • 306576982?profile=originalExcellent harp playin' and song Andries! Look into the history of Stagger Lee if you don't already know it~ quite a story it has been done in so many styles over the yrs. I know you like the old stuff to~ I can see you doing that one. Meeeowwwww^..^

  • 34 -> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Good stuff!

  • Andries, I will give you a 34 on a 35 point scale.       Good Patton and super video portion.

  • ?

  • 306580868?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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