All Posts (1994)

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The English Godfather of the Cigar Box Guitar

Hi I heard about Cigar Box Nation from you sir the english godfather of cigar box guitar Chickenbone John, Iv'e watched all your youtube video's and love your tone & playing. I wish you would do some instructional DVD's I wouldn't hesitate to buy them and recommend them to friends.

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Pickup winder project blog

When I started out making pickups, I had just bought a bigger lathe and had one of those mini one that I was just going to sell.  I instead turned it into a winder.  I added a counter and made a platen to mount the bobbins to.  Has served me well but it is heavy.  So perhaps it is time to revisit the winder.

This is going to be a simple design consisting of just a DC motor, a PWM motor control (courtesy of Dan Sleep) and a counter.

Still picking out a motor but have ordered the motor controller Motor control via China on Ebay

For a counter, I like the Red Lion Cub series that is also easy to find on Ebay.  Here is a sample counter circuit diagram

9353789073?profile=originalSome of the parts are optional like the power indicator led and R1 or even the power switch.  The counter reset is only needed if the Cub you choose doesn't have a reset button on front but instead has two leads for reset.

I used an optical sensor QRB1114 which I think is no longer made but others are available.  I used a washer that I painted half and polished the other half so the sensor can detect and count the turns

9353791852?profile=originalThe sensor I used was the now discontinued QRB1114 that is in the diagram.  The replacement is the OPB704 available at Digikey for a few bucks.Download the data sheet for the pin out to be able to match the circuit diagram.

Once all the parts arrive, I'll post more including some measured Cad drawings for the base and assorted parts.

PM me if you have any questions


First motor arrived.  Hooked it up and tested.  Lots of torque and good speed control at low rpm.  Motor might be a bit too slow for some but probably better for beginners.  I posted a video.

This motor is 24 volt.  I wanted to test the speed control at the upper limit.  One heat sink gets warm at idle but is fine at speed.  The next motor is 12 volt 1000 rpm.  We will see if that has as good performance as this motor and if it helps the control to run cooler when the motor is idle.  The solution if not is to install a power switch for when the machine is not winding.  The heat sink is big enough, I just like to keep everything running cool.

Next up I'll machine a mount for the motor and a platen to mount the pickup bobbin along with a base to build the winder itself.

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Setting up another license plate resonator

The sides of the box are 1x3 clear pine. I have learned to build the box about 1/2" larger than the license plate s that when you are playing it your hand doesn't rest on the metal edge of the plate, it's too uncomfortable.

The neck is an oak 1x2. Its fretted on a 25" scale. In order to accommodate the resonator the neck is cut down before going fully through the box and it is terminated with an oak 1x2 cross member. Seems to be plenty strong enough on my last build, and I've seen others here do the same.

The bottom of the box was hogged our with a dremel to make room for the output jack and volume knob, and the back of the box was made from a scrap of mahogany door skin I was given by a friend.

So far, so good.


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Building my first CBG

So, I kind of stumbled into the world of the CBG by floating about on YouTube - You know how it is, one video leads to another until you come across something really worth watching!

So I decided to make my very own CBG as cheaply as I possibly could. Asked about for cigar boxes and a friend came up with a small box that had been used to send salmon (of all things!). Not a cigar box, but the right dimentions and hey, it had a pretty cool logo on it. 

So I needed a neck, scrabbled about in the attic and found our old banister that we ripped down when we moved in, light mahogany, right thickness and fairly easy enough to cut to length!

After a short while on ebay, I had some tuners, a piezo and a 1/4" jack socket on their merry way to my door.

On to making the neck. Spent about a hour or so hand carving the mahogany with a craft knife and gave it a light sanding - and I must say, I'm fairly proud of what I achieved. Cut the salmon box in the right places and fitted the neck.

Once the tuners and peizo arrived I stuck them all on along with a couple of bolts for the nut and the bridge.


And now...

I think I want to put some frets in.....

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Twilight Zone CBGer

December 5, 2012 I crossed the yellow line and sideswiped a service truck. Problem is I did not realize I had done it. Some things in life really shake you up. I did realize someone had hit my drver's side mirror and shattered it. Looking in the inside mirror I did not see anyone stop, slow or any other indication anyone was concerned, so figuring it was a hit and run went home. Later I went out and saw paint on the driver's side fender. So I called the police to report an accident and was called in to make an accident report. That is when I learned I had been the culprit, and I had been the one to hit and run.

For several years I've been living a "Twilight Zone" life. I place things in one place and then they dissappear. Later they are under other things, in a totally different location, and often well hidden. Paranoia, who is pilfering through my stuff or playing pranks on me? I cannot remember things, even the day of month or week. I get these sleepy spells and even at work often lock the door to my office  and just have to take a nap. And I work at a maximum security prison. Driving on the interstate I get the sleepy spells and often think I am going to have to pull over and take a nap, I often find I have actually dozed off for a second. Very scary.

My doctor ask me who changed my medications, when, and why [I have several doctors] and I cannot remember. Weekly I make up my meds for the week and find I have not done them correctly.

I fear I have Alzheimers!

Then comes December 5, 2012 and it could have been a mother and child in the car I hit and it could have been a head on collission, and I could have killed someone.

I begin to see neurologist. Long story short. Immediately the doctors say I can no longer drive, and I am put on extended medical leave from work. It is determined I have non-epileptic seizures.

Looking at me, talking to me you cannot tell I am having a seizure. However I am like sleep walking, checked out. I have no memory of that few seconds or minutes and afterwards am confused. My first EEG I had three in one hour. Try that for twenty four hours! The doctor said I had had them all my life, but for some reason they had gotten more sever and frequent over time. Now they have taken over my life. The sleepiness somehow go with them but no one knows how at this time.

Bottom line, I have been homebound since dec. 5, 2012. My cabin fever is getting extremely bad. CBG building and trying to learn the 3-string has been my lifeline. However I have built only two since that date due to the weather. My shop gets cold and I need a bandsaw.

As for learning, wouldn't you know it I've had computer problems. However, even with the problems I've had that lifeline. I can concentrate and retain only so much at a time which is my biggest draw back. But the doctors assure me eventually they will get me on the right path and meds and I'll be fit as a fiddle.

As I have concentration issues any suggestions on specific pages of which groups and forums to check out for building and learning to play would be appreciated. These have kind'a become monsters. Armed with specific places and time frames to look into I think my limited concentration might remein focused long enough to wade through the clutter to find the gems.

Ok, who is willing to dive in and help go on this treasure hunt?

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The Cigar City Brewery event in Tampa was fantastic success!!  Over 1,000 people in attendance.   Police advised that the show can't be at the Brewery next year as the crowds were jamming up the traffic.   We'll have to move it to a new location next year.

I sold 10 CBG's   .....Great day !!!!!  Gave out at least 200 business cards.   

The Cottin Pickin Blues Brothers  Steve Arvey, Ed Wright, Aaron Fowler put on a great performance  using our builds.

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new to the blog

A friend showed me his Cigar Box Guitar, it was very interesting to me.  When I went to th web page, it showed several pictures of ones not on the "shop" page.  I am interested in all that are available.  I also noticed the plans for a fiddle, are any of those for sale or just the plans. 

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DIY easy peasy chord sheets

So, I was thinking about playing guitar, and how difficult it is to practice without giving up. It is hard, mainly because most folks learn a few chords then struggle to put together a few simple tunes to make them feel like they are making progress.

There is also a lot of confusuion for people who have no knowledge at all about music theory, it goes right over my head!

I,III,V,VII, doesn`t mean a lot, especially when you look for simple tunes you know that are written down in tab form or chords.They use A<B<C<D etc. Nothing numerical at all.

So, I started looking at an easier way to learn to play tunes I know. Playing tunes I know was the main thing.I`ve seen lots of stuff on the site, but some of the songs I`ve never heard before, so it makes it (at least for me) difficult.

So I started looking at open tunings on a 6 string I made, and after finding a chord chart realised this was the way forward for me. I realised I could use all the major chords just by barring with one finger. And once I have this off, it would then be easier to use different barre chords for minor chodrs etc.

This is the chart I found   open%20chords%20G%20chart.jpg 

So, there isn`t any numericals here, just G-A. So I have to learn G-A! and then all the minor chords. My memory is terrible......I`m over 50 now so there will be a few out there who will understand my problem.

So, I went to chordie and looked for tunes I know with  2,3 or 4 chords, and the important thing was that they were all majors, thats the simple 1 finger barre chords on the open tuned guitar.

I then added the fret number to the chord. So, where there was a C i added a number 5, a D I added a 7 etc. The reason I did this was purely for ease of use. It`s really easy to learn where the frets are by number. not so easy to remember what the name of the chord is.

And it works! I was actually playing tunes!

The added bonus is that, as I was adding those numbers to the chord charts I found I was also remembering which chords goes with which number.

I also found I was adding chords, or changing chords to suit my voice or to add a little to the songs. 




I hope this will help anyone, like me, who is,or has found it difficult to play a few simple songs. 




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A potted History of my music etc.

Started learning Guitar in about 1956 when based in Malta. Played in various types of bands. Jazz with the " Crescent City Jazzmen "..., a backup group to Aker Bilk and his Paramount Jazzmen, A session with Lonnie Donegan. Various Bands you will never have heard of.   Toured the Far East with "The Ravens" and  "The Dogstars" etc etc. Last few years  just with local groups as ones finger dexterity declines.

Last year I bought a couple of  Mountain Dulcimers but cannot seem to get much that is exciting out of them. No power chords etc. 

Recently heard about CBGs. Trolled UTube for playing examples and now own a "Black Punch" 4 string.

It is tuned to GDGB which seems OK unless anyone knows better ???

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