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Good Week

Well, although the weather has been awful, it's been a good week.

The fiddle has been finished with a new bridge and several minor adjustments. I'm slowly getting used to the instrument as it is a bit different from a 'traditional' acoustic violin and it balances a bit strangely when compared to my factory built electric fiddle.

I have also been delighted to see that my cigar box Christmas tune 'Silent Night' was included in the Christmas download for 2010 and I received several good comments from several sources.

I was really pleased because it is the first time for many years that I've made a multi track recording. The instruments used are all cigar box based instruments and included a baritone ukulele, a slide guitar. a stand up bass and a 3 string cigar box fiddle. Several people have asked for a C.D. of the recording.

I have also recorded one of my own songs and posted this on the Cigar Box website. Again a first for a long time.

A colleague at work, after a casual chat, has let me try a guitar multi effects pedal. I'm really enjoying trying this out as I've never used such a device in the past, but I have tried individual effects pedals. One of the interesting effects is a sample system which means a whole lot of fun can be had. I was interested in the effects that can be used with the fiddle in addition to the use of the pedal with my guitars.

So, less than a week to Christmas day. I actually have the day off work this year so I can spend a restful day, luckily on my own, watching television and hopefully staying warm.


A merry Christmas to you all

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