My buddy Tim and his family later posted this on Facebook. Hope the links takes you to it! His wife is playing a strummerstick I made, and Tim's playing my #1.
Bluesheart - it was a blast! In addition to the CBG's, we had some regular 6-strings, a mandolin and a ukulele. Some folks headed out before we got the group picture.
I'll try to add a video of this group playing "Fishin' in the Dark"...... On facebook now, but I'll try to get my friend to upload it to youtube to share here...
My buddy Tim and his family later posted this on Facebook. Hope the links takes you to it! His wife is playing a strummerstick I made, and Tim's playing my #1.
You might need to copy and paste the link into your browser....
Bluesheart - it was a blast! In addition to the CBG's, we had some regular 6-strings, a mandolin and a ukulele. Some folks headed out before we got the group picture.
Looks like fun!
Yep! Thanks for the comments and accolades, all! LOL!
This proves that blues and home made geetar folks are going to the dogs.
what ? .. no puppy shirts ? :-(
hope they got extra turkey ;-)
Looks like fun!
I'll try to add a video of this group playing "Fishin' in the Dark"...... On facebook now, but I'll try to get my friend to upload it to youtube to share here...