So the story goes, a flea...a jumping flea, leaped into a bubbling quagmire of toxic radioactive remnants of the Cold War many decades ago. The sudden shock sent the flea into a state of technicolor hibernation...only to awaken possessing powers so sonically superior and incredible, he became known as the most "Bad Ass Jumping Flea...aka Ukulele".
I stole a set of battery powered red LED Christmas lights from my wife. She won't miss them until next Thanksgiving.
I built a 4" dia. array on a piece of 1/8" plywood, put a piece of opaque plastic under the bio symbol and drilled a small hole on the back to access the switch.
It plays great. The box cover is a solid wood and for the first time I used a CB Gitty concert ukulele neck and finger board.
I think it sounds as good as any Chinese factory made uke I've ever played.
Nice Build Oh Yea
Ha, good one Ted. Rad!
So the story goes, a flea...a jumping flea, leaped into a bubbling quagmire of toxic radioactive remnants of the Cold War many decades ago. The sudden shock sent the flea into a state of technicolor hibernation...only to awaken possessing powers so sonically superior and incredible, he became known as the most "Bad Ass Jumping Flea...aka Ukulele".
Looks cool Rob. And there I was believing Unc's Uranium explanation!
I stole a set of battery powered red LED Christmas lights from my wife. She won't miss them until next Thanksgiving.
I built a 4" dia. array on a piece of 1/8" plywood, put a piece of opaque plastic under the bio symbol and drilled a small hole on the back to access the switch.
Hsa ha. Yes. But yours is beautiful and they are fun to build and play.
Uraninum uke, Jim. Comes with a combination Geiger counter/electronic tuner.