Ashland, OR
Ashland, OR
August 8
I'm installing a Honeytone amp into an old speaker box and want to increase speaker size to a 6 or 8 inch. Any suggestion on how to achieve best sound? What would be a good speaker for this setup and where is the best place to purchase? Thanks for…
Read more…Someone recently gave me an old mag pickup that has three wires soldered to it. I want to just connect it directly to an output jack but am not sure which wire goes where. Anyone have an idea?image.jpg
Read more…I installed a Gitty rod piezo with an in-line active preamp sitting directly on the guitar top under the saddle and the guitar sounds much too bright with lots of string noise and feedback. I'm wondering if I should have routed out the bridge and…
Read more…Cigar Box Guitar Fest Northwest has updated the website with new performers, and a new schedule....
Ben Rice,Jerry Zybach, Mudpuppy,Cigarbox Joe, Ice Bob, Chris Portillo and Downtown Vinnie,From blues to rock to folk...and some more suprises ,guitars from LowBudgetLuthier and others...this is a groundbreaking event for the northwest...Any…
Thanks for your Kind Comments PA Tom! appriciated !!
Friend request gladly accepted. In 3 days, I'll be back in the office, and can get you the specs I sussed out. I also spent a fair amount of time learning about transmission line and folded horn speaker designs, to try to understand what the Sound Enhancer is actually doing.
Thanks Tom, its real simple,good sharp drill bit , a band saw and the right parts.
Thanks Tom! Really enjoyed checking out your work,very cool. Love that 4 string of yours,beautiful!
Tom, the video Turn Singnal Blues is Awesome :-)
Hey thanks Tommy~T ~~~cool stuff Meowwww^^
Congrats on the Video Tom!