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  • Thanks JD! i do these Pick-ups on several of my Builds and they keep giving me good results, good sound, and they are relatively cheap ! i pay 65 euro's including mail! Greeeeettssz A.D Ps they are German!

  • Thanks For the Complement ! Greeeettsszzz A.D.

  • Oh! Gotcha
  • Thanks for the Like J.D. it was my way of not doing a treu and treu neck, but a free room box for Good size Pick-up lots of glue, and a back plate  counterpoint for solid state  longlive garanty. greeeeettssszz A.D.306570288?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • J.D.

    Thank you for the friend request - gladly accepted sir.  Look forward to communicating with you - headed to the workshop to continue working on build 23 as it is becoming a much more intense build than i had expected initially.  But I guess the more we let our thinking outside the box so to speak evolve the crazier these builds can become - have a great day and again thanks for all you nice comments.

  • J.D. 

    Good morning and thank you for all of your comments on the recent pictures I posted.  Looking through your pictures you have some very nice CBGs yourself sir.  Have a great day and keep on keeping on building those beauties.

  • Hi there J.D Your Welcom, if there is a question, ask! kind greeeeettszzzzz A.D.

  • Thanks for the kind words U.J. ,"it's been nice having you as a friend"! Darren I appreciate you accepting my friend request as well ,I like checking out all my friends work/builds and I'm always keeping a ear open for any good CBG advice/info "me being fairly new to the building aspect ,but been playing guitar ,bass & drums for years and still try and learn something new ever chance I get!
  • thank you for the add .

  • ive never seen a dome shape box ,i made this one .thank you .

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