





February 9

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  • "Hello Ian, Could I get the link to the Motorhead CBG tribute album?

    I saw your Ace of Spades' cover in youtube, it was awesome, Lemmy would be very proud of you

    Thanks and greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Hello Ian,

    Could I get the link to the Motorhead CBG tribute album?


  • Hi Ian,

    I'd really love to hear the motorhead tribute album.  Could you please send me a link?


    Joe Murphy

  • Hello Ian,

    glad to have you as a friend.


  • Hey Ian, So I've tried to download the motorhead tracks from your page but they don't show the track names? Don't know if I'm doing it right? Maybe I'm missing something? All the tracks sound great though, GREAT JOB EVERYONE! wish I could play that well I'm still just learning, played a bit when I was a kid. Any help with getting the tracks would be great thank you

  • Love ALL the contributions to the Tribute Album! Well done one and all - especially to Ian for pulling it all together.

  • Hey, Ian. I was wondering while we lost power for 4 days. Now that this project is finished, how about a cbg tribute to Black Sabbath?  I've worked out an arrangement of War Pigs for my simpatico cbg. In light of Tony Iommi's cancer scare, I thought a tribute was DEFINITELY in order. If it's good enough for Motörhead, ... Your thoughts? CHEERS!
  • Hi Ian, thanks for the update. As for the "right" postion, I would suggest to take an advantage of the slim height - just shift it around below the strings and fix it wherever it suits you best. They should arrive soon, eager to get your comment on it ;-)

  • Hey, Ian. I tried posting this message on the Motörhead page, but it didn't work. Just checking to see if you got my submission, which I posted a little over a week ago. CHEERS, mate!
  • hey ian, thanks for the friendship. look forward to recording the motorhead track!

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