



Eganville, Ontario


June 16

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  • Salad bowls work great with a calfskin streched over the top. I always look for a set at yard sales so I can make a full size banjo with the big one and matching smaller instruments like banjo ukes or mandos with the others. I think I've got a pic of one of them posted. Good luck!

  • Thanks for the comments on the fiddle video. I didn't start till a couple of years ago and the toughest thing for me was using the bow rather than a pick or fingers. I know there's a lot of good fiddlers up where you are who could get you going. Some of the fiddlers here in West Virginia who I've been learning from make regular pilgramages to Prince Edward Island just for the fiddlin! Your builds and playing are great.

  • Thanks for your kind comments Fret...
  • Thanks for the comment on my Rat Rod.  I really like that crappy looking thing. 


    Liked your first build too.


    Hey, isn't this hobby the best?   Making stuff out of not much and then playing music on it!

  • Welcome aboard, FretMonkey! You will find lots of helpful folks and information here on all things CBG (CBU, CBB, etc.) Feel free to poke around, ask questions, and post your stuff (photos, recordings, videos, etc.).

    Most of all, have fun!
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