I have started a CBN group entitled, "How to Play CBG" It is my hope and intention to encourage the "Wealth of Talent" here on the Nation to share their knowledge and skill to further the CBG movement. Please consider contributing an instructional "video" link to this group. If you are a viewer seeking instruction, please feel free to write. If you have any suggestions or know other players who you think may want to post instructional "video" links, please contact me. Thank you for your interest and support, Keni Lee
I have a question/favour to ask. My busking band are starting to get gigs in blues clubs. We are in pretty big demand as we are the only 14 year old delta blues buskers in the North East of England. Many USA builders have offered me endorsements/sponsorships but when they found out i lived in England they said they couldn't afford the shipping etc. So i am now going round the English builders and asking if they could offer me an endorsement. Really all I want is a 4-string resonator that will last me this year due to the gigs I am meant to be doing. In return for this 'endrosement' I would put you, your site and your details on my websites and turn people on to your guitars. Please reply so we can speak further, send me your reply to: blonde_23_1995@hotmail.co.uk
I have started a CBN group entitled, "How to Play CBG" It is my hope and intention to encourage the "Wealth of Talent" here on the Nation to share their knowledge and skill to further the CBG movement. Please consider contributing an instructional "video" link to this group. If you are a viewer seeking instruction, please feel free to write. If you have any suggestions or know other players who you think may want to post instructional "video" links, please contact me. Thank you for your interest and support, Keni Lee
I have a question/favour to ask. My busking band are starting to get gigs in blues clubs. We are in pretty big demand as we are the only 14 year old delta blues buskers in the North East of England. Many USA builders have offered me endorsements/sponsorships but when they found out i lived in England they said they couldn't afford the shipping etc. So i am now going round the English builders and asking if they could offer me an endorsement. Really all I want is a 4-string resonator that will last me this year due to the gigs I am meant to be doing. In return for this 'endrosement' I would put you, your site and your details on my websites and turn people on to your guitars. Please reply so we can speak further, send me your reply to: blonde_23_1995@hotmail.co.uk