Rochester Sweeps Workshops

Hearty congratulations to Malcolm Wright for running HGMC guitar making workshops at the Rochester Sweeps Festival.  Apparently it was so successful that they want us back next do the workshops with more people, playing workshops and an evening gig.

Here's some of the quotes of the people who took part...

"Hi Malc, I attended the guitar building course yesterday but I seem to have a problem with my the f**k do you put it down?!"

 "Just wanted to say, again, what a blast the building course was. Yesterday (Monday) when to B&Q/Maplins, bought stuff, and built another one for my mate whose birthday it is today. I think I'm hooked!"

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  • Isn't this what its all about? Big respect to Malcolm.Yeah that fist quote madem me laugh too.

  • excellent, have they all joined up? and is that the Corn Exchange?

    • Hey Jabes

      Don't know if any of them have signed on the dotted line yet but I plan to follow up with an email from HGMC to remind them who we are! Feedback from the 'pupils' has been awesome - I've had texts/emails asking me things like where to buy strings/pick-ups/boxes/wood (!!), and I know at least four of them are coming to the Hollowbelly gig/recoeding next week, and if they don't get completely hooked when they see him then there's no hope for them! 

      And yes, Corn Exchange Queens Hall - we rattled around in there but the CBG's sounded brilliant when they were plugged in and cranked up.....ROCK 'N' ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • i saw The Who at the corn exchange in the 60s, it cost 1/- 9d .they played there 3 times ... yes we rattled about in there too. i suppose there we 60 or so in the audience and i knew every one of them except the photographer


      i meant- did they join CBN



  • Indeed - top marks to Malc for stepping up and taking the initiative. Judging by the comments and 100% take up, it was all very well received. Bet Malc had a ball too :o)

    So, who else?

  • Cheers for posting John - if you wait for me to do it you'll wait forever!

    And thanks to everyone who encouraged/supported me on this, it was a first for me but I figured if a ham-fisted cock-eyed numpty like me can build one of these things then anybody can.....and about twenty first timers proved me right! 

    Bring on Sweeps 2013.


    • I'm really pleased that this went so well...and  the whole concept has proved itself so that it's not dependent up on me and Ben to be hands-on with it....lets get more of this stuff happening. I'm still waiting to hear from Youth Music whether HGMC will be getting any grant funding for school workshops, (another month to wait before they make the announcement) but in the meantime, if anyone else fancies doing this, just give us a shout. I think the way Malc managed to tag this onto an already well-organised and successful event is the way forward...again, a massive well done!

  • Well done Malcolm, onwards and upwards! (Or should that be backwards and downwards?)
  • Congrats Malc good to hear all you efforts was well received by the new builders/venue   - hehe!!!!  loving the first quote seems to be a worldwide problem :) 

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