Wild Bill Jones (sort of)

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I pulled the paint can lid out of my cigar box banjo (can be seen in my photos) and added a head made from a plastic lid off of a graham cracker pie crust, a hoop of laminated underlayment plywood and thumb tacks, then tightened with a heat gun. It actually sounds much better than with the can lid head, less buzzing in the high strings. Forgive my novice level playing, I've only been at it about five months.

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  • Great idea switching lids, sounds super! Nice looking guitar and playing!

  • Sounds fantastic. Nice...

  • I listened again. I love your pickin. Your practice paid off. More please.

  • Great job on the claw hammer. Very nice. Nice banjo too!

  • Well done on both the song and the re build! Good clawhammering too.

  • Thanks everyone! There's an ego boost for ya! Much appreciated.

    I played a uke (poorly) for about a year before switching to banjo in mid June. That's all the music experience I have. I do annoy my family for a minimum of 15-30 minutes a day, though. So lots of practice time in with either this banjo or my crappy early 1970s Harmony banjo. I hope to have a slightly higher quality tackhead banjo knocked out in about a month or two, depending on funds and time. 

    Thanks, again!

  • Novice playing level??!?   I would love to be able to do that..  Good job and good sounding banjer.

  • Some fine playing on a great sounding & looking self built Banjer :-)

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