Who's Cheatin' Who (on cigar box guitar) | Charly McClain cover

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Some folks might know this as a 1997 Alan Jackson tune but it was first recorded by Charly McClain in 1980. It's a really fun song and I included an outtake at the end just for fun. Have a great week!

Intro - 0:00
Song - 0:46
Outtake - 2:35

See more CBG Covers here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIixlr7C6KUXyobEYH5LO-OmsicL_7dW

And more Sunday Songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIixlr7C6KVoYgWrIwlr-AOhJif0xzTB

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  • Thanks Doug. It's a simple one. Just 3 chords. It would be easy to sling it.

  • A new song for me, engaging and peppy! I like it Kale. Keep ‘em coming.

  • That would've been much more disastrous had the tub been full of water. LOL. Thanks for checking it out AGP.

  • Alan Jackson's version is the one I remember, never heard of Charly McLain (until now) just checked her out on Utube, sings well and looks great. :-)

    PS. Good thing the tub was empty ;-D

  • Thanks fellas. It's such a fun song to play and sing.

  • Slick and Fun ! you was even sliding near the end ! Good Job!

  • Nice shower curtain!   Good job.  

  • The blooper!!  :)

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