When the Saints Go Marching In: 3-String Surf Cigar Box Guitar

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Songs of Faith last night; here’s one! More info and free songbooks: https://sites.google.com/site/cigarboxguitarslingersspokane/home

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  • Spot on Derek! Thanks for the encouragement.
  • We can use the saints in these trying times. Good version from the group, Doug.

  • I agree Kale! Maybe we can do it at CallyFest and you can do a Kazoo solo. It’s not that far off.
  • I want to hear the Uncle John harmonica solo mixed in there. This song always reminds me of New Orleans.

  • I learn something new everyday AGP! Thanks for weighing in. I like your positive “upbeat” framing of our version of the song. I’m regularly guilty of playing songs too fast which I am working on (hear those clicks at the star of the songs now!). Even so, I will still play many songs faster intentionally, just not as fast.
  • I don't usually care for this song Doug, purely because its the Theme song for one of the Football Teams in our National Rugby League competition, who I don't like, (the St George Dragons), But I do like this upbeat Slingers version, well done Guys and Gal  :-)

  • :D

  • Thanks very much Brian and Uncle John! It is a memorable song. Sorry about the omission UJ, probably won’t learn the harmonica, maybe the Kazoo, Kale would be happy. (I could 3D print one at that!) Too many balls in the air at the present time though.
  • Darn you slingers!  I wanted a harmonica solo!  One of the first harp songs I ever learned.   

    Well done except that obvious omission.  

  • Thanx for this Doug, this is one of those songs that you never forget!!!

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