The Basterd KID of Hank Williams Open Mic Calli Fest Show 2019

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This is the Open Mic: Show By The Basterd KID of Hank Williams,on the Calli Fest Show Monterey/USA .Original lyrics by HankWilliams Played By BCB as the Bast...

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  • Great Hank suit Andries. Fitting 3 song set. 1st one was my favorite on a quick 1st listen.

  • Thanks you all fellors it was a pleasure !! It was indeed good to see that so many found there way to the gig! good respons to! some of them came afterwards to ensure me that they where looking forewarth to the Main Stage gig ! Hope the will not be disapointed whit the Vid: a 20min show in 3 min ! the light show was sensational Great ambiance for the hole gig ! they was from guys from Luxemburg for all places! Cool dude his name was George !pitty it was a verry late SaterdayNight Sunday Morning but what the heck the atmosfere was good, and the vibe came across! be reading you! Greeeettsszz A.D.

  • Fun set A.D! Nice three song open mic set, that’s what it’s all about. Sharp dressed man playing down and dirty blues. You drew a large crowd, coming from the disc throwing golf tournament and submarine racing venues. The Basturd Kids Of Hank Williams open mic is definitely the hottest mic going so far, and you raised the bar mighty high! Plug the bucket lordiel lordie, seriously good buddy! Uncle, I have security issues taken care of. Daily drills getting ready for the waves of fans! A.D, it looks like your on the big stage early Saturday night! Dr. John and Leon Redbone are the scheduled headliners!


  • I do love that poster AD

  • that is a lot of pickin and a grinning AD, I am worried that Dave and Uncle John my end up a little bruised by the time they get there

  • I actually live in a shotgun shack by the railroad tracks in Dixie.  But man, you got an awful case of them low down blues for a guy so far away...

    Buy you a beer if you hook me up with the guy who sold you that suit.  I gotta gets me one of those!

    See you in Cali!

  • Nice!

  • I love your poster Andries.

  • Great suit Andries. Here come the Funk. Good show. A prequel! Bravo.

  • Yes, I can play Iowa harp on that song.   And Richard can do kazoo.  We will do it with the rest as the Basterd Sons Of Hank at the fest.  I hope Richard has adequate security and not those big mean-ass biker dudes like last year.  We had a hard time overwhelming them.

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