Some other day somewhere else but here and now

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  • Lol thanks Bob I agree mine too.. were in the wrong job!

  • Great Playing and great video.  My cloth measuring tape has sat idle in my closet for way too long!

  • Thanks Poorness Studio

  • Dancing with a tiger? That's a bit unusual but totally bugtastic.

  • Apparently for the Tiger job people just don't stay very long!  Thanks guys

  • John it's the measuring job in this video !! lol

    Pick I know that feeling and I just saw Woolfie say "Boo!"

  • I like the title.  Kind of and eerie, creepie feeling, but it sure measures up.  

    Best wishes and a quick prayer for your new job.  I hope it is not with tigers.

  • One time  , I left here ,, and was somewhere else , but ,  i'm here again now ..  weird huh  ?  ;-)

  • What a Job that guy haz whit that measuring tape ,in the Meat parade!  Animal qruelty whit that panter, when you see that old stuff its almost  un imagineble what we live treu today in the modern world must bee crazy as hell a other 40 or 50 years on ! diverend play as usual out of date oddballs?

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