Sammy writes a song from a Mick Westwood poem

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As remembrance day approaches a song from a poem by Mick Westwood. Produced and sang by Sammy Lloyd

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  • Thanks Nancy, yes we still salute them and all our men and women serving xxx you got me purring xxx

  • Thanks so much Brian, yes the 75 year old ex coal mining poet is prolific in writing wonderful poems that he allows me to convert to song. ( mainly about coal mining and northern England life and growing up through WWII. I have a battered old parlour guitar that Shane Wagstaff converted to a baritone ukulele for me. Added a little bit of bass from the iPad GarageBand app. Em, B7, and Am are the only 3 chords that ‘came to me’ as I put it together. Appreciate your comments mate. It’s a raw story that we mustn’t forget. Cheers.

  • Man, you got somethin’ there Sammy, real talk!! I’m sure the author would be quite honored by your composition, for sure! What instruments were used on the recording? I had to hit the refresh button to have another listen :)
  • 3697075123?profile=RESIZE_710xSammy this is beautiful!!! A salute to all who served and is serving now....and thank you for this Sammy! Meeeowww^..^

  • You make a good looking soldier, Sammy.   A pretty and lyrical tune and song.  Love it.

  • Absolutely wonderful Sammy.

  • gave me a lump in my throat . :'-}

  • Heavy stuff. A perfect song for Veteran's Day. Well done Sammy.

  • Was close to tears putting the chords together Dave. Much appreciated, cheers Sammy

  • You made me cry Sammy. Thank you.

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