"Random Thoughts" music video Richard Sundberg

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Music video "Random Thoughts"

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  • Loved the side singers. Good play. Made me smile. Thanks.
  • Hi Richard see you found CBN hope we here a lot more.
  • Richard, I see your cbg will be a 4 string. I hope the builder tells you how he intended it to be tuned. Since you play 6 string, an easy way to go is dgbe like the 4 small strings on a 6. Many of us play open tunings like gdg and gdgb. check out the how to play section at page top or just ask Jim or me and we will yry to herd you along the right trail.

  • Thanks Derek, but I sure wouldn't go that far. Alex De Grassi slowed down 50 %. You made my day though, I see similarities. I could only dream to play like that.Glad you enjoyed.
  • Great playing, enjoyed it! Sounds like Alex de Grassi (with random sound effects)!

  • Ok Jim Morris, I learned my lesson. Use cow effects sparingly, maybe not at all. Udder than that. I'm told, once you CBG, your hooked. I see you have a new video, going to check it t out now.
  • Richard, if you get one CBG I'm pretty sure you'll want an udder.

  • I've swerved into the tenderloin! Get my cigar box guitar in a couple of days, hopefully the portable steak house moooooves on. I promise one thing, I'm different, like I have to say anything. Ask the dog!
  • there is a lot at steak here.

  • Thanks guys! I like Cowlifornia. It's the wall that divides the sanes from the insanes here. Only gunshots to shut me up!Its one of those transgender cows, documented and branded.I'll check for the breech!
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