noodling on my new cigar box guitar by Ed Baker

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I'm new to the CBN. I mostly play the 5 string banjo and bass but always wanted a cigar box guitar so finally bought one

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  • Sounds good.

  • Thanks for the comments. I've hardly put my cbg down since I got it, great fun!! I'm planning my first build soon :)

  • Welcome Liam. Some people take to these things very quickly and I think you're one of them!

  • Can tell you have musical experience and skills. Good beat, fine playing. Welcome to CBN. Good to have you here!
  • Sounds good! Welcome to the world of CBGs.

  • Liam,  It's almost not fair when someone new to CBGs picks one up and sounds fantastic.   You do.   Isn't fun?!   Welcome to a fun past time and another trick in your box.  Maybe some time find a way to build your own.  Start with maybe a one string diddley bow or fretless 3 string.

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