"No saw" cigar Box Guitar Build! How to build a cigar box guitar using very few tools!

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In this video, I show how to build a cigar box guitar using just the following tools: a drill, two screwdrivers, pliers, and sandpaper. In this particular bu...

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  • Nice easy build with great result. BTW you can buy piezos already soldered to a jack, so soldering not required, and I guess you could melt a glue stick with a lighter for attachment.

  • That could be really handy for some folks.  Kinda Crow style too.

  • eazy Peazy!! dont know about the theory about the reverberating of the toplid from the box, im remembering building a Dulcimer whit the stick strait on the box , and it reverbarated just fine?

    but over all a great  what not to do! video,for all the builders out there that dont own a saw ! but do have a hole load of other tools ! but your end conclusion for the option of having more options is that its a build for loads of other options  ,but looking at you having fun building and making the video , was al the fun for me ! Thanks for that !

  • I already commented on YouTube but great tutorial Steve. I nice way to get into CBG building.

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