Locked In With Nowhere To Hide - Captain Hippie Pants Coronavirus Rants

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My 5 year old daughter Saffron and myself have hit the lego box for another animation this time for Locked In With Nowhere To Hide.Taken from Captain Hippie Pants Coronavirus Rants, the Cigar Box Guitar Album about 2020 Lockdown out now on Mustard Seed Art Factory.https://captainhippiepantscoronavirusrants.bandcamp.com/https://open.spotify.com/album/2Xg9c1asGU1ZtaJyHX3iEn

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  • On a lighter note, the CDC just announced that fully vaccinated residents in my county are cleared for unmasking during outdoor activity?

  • Fun stuff Stu !! great production ,compliments to your co worker fine explay of Lego building, my son was in spired ! Thanks ! off the tracks play aswell !  Going VooDoo Next? 

  • Fun videography and great sound. Very artful effects. Amazing!

  • Howling good harp

  • I was a big Legos fan when I was a kid. Wait... who am I kidding... I still am. That was a cool idea for a video and a great way to get the kids involved. Oh, and a rockin' tune to boot.

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