Living in the Words of a Song C. Gray - A. D. Eker 2023

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When you Experience the Hurt of a breakup, and its not the thing you like to run away from, every song that comes along ,that remind you of your past, the h...

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  • Fine song A.D. played well!!!

  • Another treat! You always keep it interesting. A.D.! Living in the song . . .

  • Hello Uncle John ! Load of people do ,i mean as long as i can remember , that why it was a sad day hearing about Tina Turner ,The Acid Queen is gone! may her Body rest in peace and her songs forever!! Thanks for the kind comments ! Much appreciated !

  • Got my head moving.   Cool groove and crunchy frunchy sounds.  Yup.  Most of us live in songs.  I do,  

  • Thanks Poorness ! Glad you liked it ! comments appriciated!

  • Love the sound of that git and way it mixes with the drum machine. Cool track AD!

  • Its one of my first in the DRONE tuning ,and whit a slide its like riding a automatic ! AAEAAE  there a many variations to the theme, but it feels like its made for me, on the tree its AEA  or A Drone.

  • 11148304296?profile=RESIZE_710x

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