Larry Brick and Michael Hopper Amazing Grace on the box guitar I made

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Ron Lutz makes cigar box and cigar box style guitars, cigar box amplifiers, kalimbas, etc. The art gallery he owns with his wife is Studio 62 Eureka Springs....

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  • Good stuff.

  • Only one complaint though, if I may? The video is about two hours too short. I could listen to this on repeat and never grow bored.

  • Sweet, sweet music. Relaxing and thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks Ron.

  • Very nice play boys. Nice big box guitar. Slide on! Well done!

  • Well Done Guys!, "Great Version of a Great Tune"  :-)

  • Wow, that is beautiful.   Best song ever written and done so nicely.  Shop and gits look good.  Order a pizza and I will be right over.  I can play this one on harp.

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