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Joe Bonamassa -Samantha Fish

Views: 57
Talking Cigar Box Guitars

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  • Thanks Hip Bone. Great conversation. I think great musicians have very hi standards. Home made music doesn’t have that need to play to millions in a stadium. It’s for the common shlub who gets joy from a box with a stick. Not that I don’t love these two musicians and their genius 

  • What i hear is that Joe is realy spoiled whit his racks of Gibson's, Fenders, custom made les Pauls, his tweed amps and Marshall stacks ! he needs the 6 to make it wheep, he thinks only 3 or 4 strings is a  digrading  exspirience , when you know what you can do whit a six you dont go and play a 3 string !! thats what i hear he trying to tell but does not say !! 

  • Interesting.   I hope Joe gives it another try and maybe on a different guitar.  

  • Samantha Fish certainly knows how to make a CBG talk but it sounds like Joe has had some negative experiences.

  • Sounds like another case of an impotent piezo pickup?

  • I cant believe joe cant make it sound good????

    I guess he is more limited in his ability that he lets on

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