In Your Time (B.Seger)

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4 string Bob Seger 1994I haven't posted much lately or made comments but I do listen to vids on my phone. Bob Seger's name showed up and I have and Been wanting to do this song after listening to his Greatest Hits album which is when the song was released. I was listening to it in my truck this summer and all the dead lawns and drought made me relies this song was foreseeing and very relevant.

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  • he has perfect timing I was wondering how, then saw the scratching by the tail.

  • Ha Ha Rtzy to funny that is the cats MEOW^..^306523890?profile=original

  • Your welcome Nancy and thanks, I got to see him in the late 90's he did a west coast tour. One of my favorite being a kid of the 70's.

  • Oh nice Rtzy I use to go see him out at the beach where I live he would play there sometimes when he was just getting started ~he is a legend around these parts. Thanks for doing it!  Here's a green eyed cat just for you! Meowwww^..^306523722?profile=original

  • Too those that liked this thanks you.

  • Thanks wes.....

  • Thanks everyone, not one of Bob's best known songs. But I don't think he has written a bad one  

  • Great stuff!

  • Most excellent! I saw this and thought something might have happened to Bob. Whew! Hopefully we won't lose any more folks for a while. Good job RTZ.

  • Good job.  Good song.   Puttting on the RTZ!

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