How to play Satisfaction on a 3 String Slide Cigar Box Guitar

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Here is how to play Satisfaction on a 3 String Slide Cigar Box Guitar by Nigel McTrustry The bare basics. Great to jam on.

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  • thanks Nigel.

  • Nice bit of tuition and you have a very talented helper.

  • What a cutie. The little girl isn't bad either !!! Great stuff, thanks.

  • useful vid where i can see your practice...GOOD COOL!!!...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • Thanks for the link Jim

  • In 65 i was busy getting' born

  • Yes it was fun!

    Nashville hey! 

    Nice. Thanks Silent Jim.

  • Hey Nigel!   I was playing this and Linda came trotting down to the den to hear it too.  Excellent.  Good teaching and fun.

    Where were you and cbgs in about 1965 when being able to to this song would have been about the coolest thing in the world? 

    Your little rocker is a sweetie.

  • Cool "I twelve and I seven, and I twelve and I five" like the lyrics : -) Nice accompaniment too!!

  • Great video!  Good picking and it looks like you two were having fun. That's some of "the good times" caught on video. Thanks for sharing that!

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