Fields of Green A. D. Eker 2019

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Battles ,Wars, Festifalls, Gatherings, Events , Historic and just everyday live has taken or will take place on "Fields of Green" ,thoughts of comfort feelin...

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  • Thank you verry much there Richard ! we try to but some times real live gets in the way the same as downtown, because of other work, your hands get thick and you loze your suttle playing style, after a while this commes, back  but im finding out that the body and my hands need time to adjust to the forses i use em for ,like now i got this huge blister on my right hand that needs healing ,one off my biggest problems in live ," i have to be patience",and things take time ,and the struggle whit that can be hard cose we dont allway's have that, but ahhaahh you all know what im talking about !

  • Hi there Derek ! glad you liked it ! and thanks for thye comments !

  • Thanks Downtown !allways appriciate your comments and like ! 

  • Thanks Danny !appriciate your like and comments!

  • Thanks for the Like there Poorness ! Appriciated !

  • Fields of green is a great place to surround yourself with in the chaos all around. Thanks for sharing your dreams A.D! Keep the music playing at your high level.

  • Good old rollicking guitar and old style vocals Andries.

  • Some serious backporch  are a true riffoligist,my friend. This is tasty as Cake and ice cream...tonalicious


  • Such a great lo fi sound. Gritty and full of mood. Love the foot stomp (or whatever that is) and the way the guitar sounds kinda rattly. Add those gritty vocals and you've got a winner here AD.

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