Enjoy Yourself: 2-String Violin Chugger Cigar Box Guitar

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Slinging Doris Day! Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/download CBG Songbook.pdf...

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  • Thanks so much guys (Kale, Uncle John, Andries, and Matthew)! This is another Slinger requested song for the songbook and it grew on me as I learned it. A big part of that was the delightful lyrics. It’s fun to surprise everyone with songs you don’t expect to see on a CBG!

  • this is just fantastic!!!

  • Super Classic ! and still stands today ! a all time Great ! enjoy Yourself !

  • I always liked Doris.  Nicely done. 

  • Another song I never thought I'd hear on 2-strings.

  • Thanks Alan! Another Doris Day song we need to add to our Slinger Songbook. Would not be difficult as it’s in the HUG (a popular ukulele songbook).

  • "Que Sera Sera"  :-)

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