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Eddy Grant anyone?

Views: 193

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  • I always preferred Eddy's work when he was in The Equals!
  • haa thats why I love Eddy!
  • eddy brought out an album-reggae all stars- all him under different names, a tryer...
  • Nice Roosterman - love your video's - keep on truckin
  • Well done - a raggedy reggae guy!
  • Thanks guys, much appreciated. I aint no singer so its encouraging to have positive feedback :o)

  • hey ben. great stuff, i learnt the solo to that when i was startin out n thought i was the bees knees:0)
  • love the tire!
  • Don't know Eddy, but I like this Roosterman guy.
  • very nice song you did a great job
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