Dog Water Blues. Township Wide.

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Dog water Blues and a new fretless instrument at end of video :>) Dr. Blues and the dogs.

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  • awesome awesome performance, hard driving rhythm and some great lead

  • 2225699659?profile=RESIZE_710xWoofwoofMeeeeowwwwww^..^

  • Ahhh You got a Band there jason, Like shaking that tamborine, and grooving up some wha !! use to have one of them fender twin reverbs ,that aint no 100 ,is it? workshop exstavaganza !! Cool Guy's!

  • Playing tips from the dogs, they like the wah wah, or woof woof! Nice jam guys! 

  • Thank you!  Always fun to have company even when the dogs take over. :>)

  • I'm sure the dog interruption wasn't planned but it made me smile.

  • Such a warm scene. Great rockin grove with Dog approval. Love your shop Jason.

  • LOL at that good title. It sounds like one of Vinnie's.   Sounding good guys.  

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