Dig a Hole BCB - C. Starr - A. D. Eker 2024

Location: Holland /USA
Views: 17
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a Early Art Project around 1970,Called "Down to Earth" a theme exhibition between "ZALK & Zwolle" i dug a Hole on the border of the banks of the river that connects both city's i put the earth in a wooden box and displayed  it at the exhibition.

The audio work is created 50 years later when i found the lyric by Charly Starr  and got the ideer for this video..Do Enjoy its played on one of my 4 string Cigar boxes BCB.

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  • Digging here, Buddy!  Lots of style.

  • Thanks fellors Thanks for the kind comments ,and glad to see you are still round and about on the 0.3 Nation, The distant vocals is done in a differend way as ussual, i mic up whit the mini fender amp, but sung the lines treu a bullhorn in front of the Mic, i was going for the Tom waits effect ! did i come close?

  • Nice groove going on here AD. Cool head bop beat and distant sounding vocals. I love that flanger on the guitar. 

  • Slow blues, yeah! I'm diggin the old pictures of you Andries! (pun intended) 

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