Diddley Bow Fun

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I ordered a Deadly Bow from Shane Speal and it sounds awesome! Thanks Shane. I filmed the arrival with my GoPro and did my first video edit with Adobe Premie...

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  • Yep, fun video :)

  • However you do it, you always inspire me. I just started using Adobe Premiere Elements so I will be learning how to do all the fancy stuff.
  • lol. Sharon , i used to spend wayy to much time  on videos  .  nowadays   if its an announcement  video  or cool ad  idea  . i  use the folks at fiverr , i still  usually have to edit them  , but  cant  take credit   for those  ones  . ;-)

  • "Yep", that's what Diddley Bows are all about - "FUN"

  • Thanks for the feedback guys. Just having fun.  I want to practice my video editing skills and get as good as Pick:)

  • Fun stuff Sharon! Beverly Hillbilly's theme on Diddley Bow at 5:30? Heck yeah!

  • you are a true delight  , and  always a  feel good  video  from you  .  enjoy your new toy  ;-)


  • diddleys are fun.   fun video too.

  • Nice!

  • Nice to see some excitement. Fun Sharon! One of my first CBGs is a Speal Chugger 2 string.
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