Jamming on Strummers & Diddley Bows Posted by bemuzic on November 16, 2012 at 8:45am Views: 230 11 Get Embed Code <iframe width="459" height="344" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2UbzvZ8ATVQ?fs=1&feature=oembed&wmode=opaque" frameborder="0"></iframe> Tags: Boss, jamming, RC-30, loop, station Had fun yesterday jamming with our niece : -) You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments! Join Cigar Box Nation Comments Ice Bob November 19, 2012 at 8:50pm pass it on by making it fun good one!!! bemuzic November 19, 2012 at 2:14pm cheers Phillip : -) Phill Hill Charlie November 19, 2012 at 1:32pm VERY NICE TIME...only happiness...thanks for sharing simply...°<[:-) [---]==={... bemuzic November 17, 2012 at 6:01pm thanks for the comments people : -) Nancy kat November 17, 2012 at 3:41pm What a fun video does make one smile!!!! Meowwwww ^^ Clock The Wolf November 17, 2012 at 6:02am (•‿•) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¬_¬ BUGGY (C) November 16, 2012 at 7:02pm Looks fun...those diddley bow's sound great! Thomas "Duck" Petry November 16, 2012 at 6:54pm Looks like a great way to spend the day. Anything that can make a kid laugh like that is a wonderful result of your efforts. Neat to see folks having fun. bemuzic November 16, 2012 at 4:23pm yep that's what it's all about, worth more than money that's for sure! RTZGUITARS November 16, 2012 at 3:36pm Joel said what i start to type to the word. I would rather teach a kid then play for 50 people in a bar for $100 1 2 3 of 3 Next This reply was deleted. E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow
pass it on by making it fun good one!!!
cheers Phillip : -)
VERY NICE TIME...only happiness...thanks for sharing simply...°<[:-) [---]==={...
thanks for the comments people : -)
What a fun video does make one smile!!!! Meowwwww ^^
(•‿•) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¬_¬
Looks fun...those diddley bow's sound great!
Looks like a great way to spend the day. Anything that can make a kid laugh like that is a wonderful result of your efforts. Neat to see folks having fun.
yep that's what it's all about, worth more than money that's for sure!
Joel said what i start to type to the word. I would rather teach a kid then play for 50 people in a bar for $100