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Come Together

Views: 132

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  • Thanks turtlehead!

  • Thanks AGP, Jim, and Derek! 

  • Good and gritty Rick! Would go good with some raspy harp I bet.

  • Sounds great Rick. And as Andries most always does, no need for a carbon copy - make it yours! Amen on the Gus Cannon comment Unc!

  • "Yep", my kind of CBG sound, Loud & Dirty, "Love It"

  • Thanks Andries, yeah I know what you mean. I have the bass rhythm wrong. 

  • sounds Terriffic but couse of the Titel i was expecting sjoep sjoep doebeledoemdoem, you know the John Lennon& Mccarthy One , but this was fine to Rick! great feedback on that tree pickup, and your right about that Gus they where realy something back in those day's Thanks & Greeeeeettssszz A.D.306591630?profile=original

  • Thanks Uncle John and Erasmo!

    I will check that out Unc!

  • Bad assed good!

    I've thought of you lately.  I have been listening to Gus Cannon and the Memphis Jug Band with their great harp player, Noah.    Check them out on youtube.   Minglewood Blues would be a good choice.

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