Come Together Beatles Cover On Cigar Box Guitar, Bass and Cajon

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It was a little chilly in our practice studio today, so we decided to warm things up with good old Beatles tune from the Abbey Road album. This is Come Toget...

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  • Thanks Derek!

  • Thanks Bob! I appreciate your nice comment.

  • That was great Bruce!  

  • Excellent Bruce! Great cover. Love the Beatles and you guys make it look easy.

  • Great version! Cool voices

  • Yeah Bruce, go to YouTube, click your Avatar in the upper right corner then Creator Studio, find your video and click Edit, then Advanced Setting then Category.

  • Hi Gary, thanks for the supportive words.  Yes, that is a price tag. That's "Hammerin' Cameron" the drummer. There's probably a couple of price tags still on his clothes somewhere if you were to look closely. He keeps a good beat, one of the best!

  • Really nice job!   (Can I get an "Amen"?)   Is that a price tag I see near the drummer?   Coolness!

  • Hi Korrigan, I don't know how to take it off the comedy listing.  I tried looking for a way, but couldn't find it. Do you know by any chance where I should be looking?

    By the way, thank you for your kind words.

  • Don't know why you listed this under comedy on youtube, that was a seriously good cover. Well done!

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