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closer walk

Views: 133
a song by the Jerusalem mules. Pictures are from a live show we played on 1/11/16

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  • fun ! 

  • Gooooood stuff.........

  • XL if the day comes.   And I will gladly pay my fare.

  • Thanks guys, and Unc as soon as I figure out how to get them made you will have one. Hoping first to put out a live in my house cd on bandcamp though

  • Good x 3.   As Jim, Andries and Wes said.  I need a Jerusalem Mule tee shirt. 

  • You still got a fjew years in you, i whoud not worry to much, i all ways love the Famely efford, thanks for that MATTHEW, your Son play's a steady thump on that theebox  bass, The Mules Spread the Message ! Greeeeetsszz A.D. 

  • Wonderful!

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