Cigar Box Ukulele: Demo

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First CBU I’ve ever built, and the first time I’ve done my own frets. I am quite happy with how this build turned out. That little tune is an original called...

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  • Now you need 4 more Uke's can't have enough Uke's looks great

  • Sounds great and looks nice too. Ukes are fun to play and build.

  • The Sleep covers might have to wait for me to build a baritone ukulele. Get them downtuned riffs really goin’.

    I’ve had that fretting kit for months, and then one night last week I just decided to finally go for it. I kept thinking about how fret spacing is measured in thousandths of inches, and it was freaking me out. And then I thought, “Yeah, but there’s a template. Just put the lines on the wood in the same place they are on the paper.” And it was fine.

  • Please please play Dragonaut by Sleep on it lol!  Joking aside, that's a great first uke and fret job.  Fretting isn't as hard as it seems, first time is daunting but after that it's no problem.

  • She's a beauty. Congrats on your first fret job. I haven't gotten that brave yet.

  • Well, you know, that’s what I do: I bring an elevated cultural experience to the people. A taste of the Classical arts. Theatre, sculpture, poetry, honking on a kazoo while not blinking my eyes once.

    Figuring out bridges is my next quest. I think I get excited that the guitar is almost done, and I end up rushing that last component.

  • It's good to start my day with some culture.  Fun demo with the kazoo and kazoo face.  Good on yer, Gus.  I like the penny spacer method for bridges.

  • Well done! Sounds great and congrats on successful fretting.

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