Electric Cigar Box Baritone Ukulele

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An 18" scale baritone ukulele I just finished - demo played by John Bevans of the Nunchuks.

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  • Thanks Sammy! I think I have about 16-20 hours into this one - maybe a little more. I had some troubles with the epoxy resin and had to drill it out and redo it three times before I got to a happy place. :)

  • Great work mate, I'm gonna have a baritone one day. How long did it take you to make it? cheers


  • John - Thanks!  I cut a whole pile of thin strips from maple and markote rough stock a while back. Now I just pull out a handful of strips to get to the width and appearance I want for each neck. It's a good time saving process - I only drag the table saw out to the yard to cut long pieces once every couple months instead of once for every guitar.

    Professor - Thanks!  Happy to shoot some closeups and show how it's made - which parts are you most interested in?

  • Nice sound, nice uke and nice playing. The laminations on the head are particularly appealing.

  • Sounds great. Some up close pics would be great too,

  • Thanks Uncle John and Wes!  I keep "picking away" at playing, but I've got a long way to go still. :)

  • Wow!  Nice uke and it sure sounds good in his hands.

  • Thanks!  The box struck me as having a classic beach feel, and the size was a good fit for a uke. I used a shell in the knob and crushed shells to make the fret markers to keep the theme going.

  • Has an island feel about it. Nice!!

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