CALLYFEST Daydreaming 2018

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Looking back at the First Annual Virtual Sunny California CBG & Root Music Festival February 2-4, 2018

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  • Thanks everybody! It a great start to this virtual CBG festival. This was a successful year, great music, videos, adventures, and stories among great friends. Thank you very much Uncle! A.D, thanks for the great poster and tickets.  Actually Silent Jim kicked it off asking where was CallyFest. It sorta gathered its own steam and we rolled with it! Who knew most everyone sardines!  It was a bit stretched out this time, but as things worked out, it was a Venice escape. Amazing Dave came through again this year, just crazy good videos of the journey.  Thanks again, CALLYFEST 2020.

  • It looked like it was a lot of fun also. I have laughed so much this year with Dave's stories. And all the videos posted have been amazing. It is just what we all needed with all the nonsense going on in the world with the virus. Thanks for organizing this and thanks for supporting me these last couple of years 

  • A rich history Rich. You make it Real. 

  • Nice ambient soundtrack.

  • 4260265146?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Some nice references in there. Uncle John and others. Was that a young Casey Baron in the middle?

  • That was a pretty remembrance.   Thank you.  And a huge thank you for hosting these past few fests.   I have some idea how much work and planning it is for you.  This is the best and best run fest yet.  Lots of fun and we are pretty much staying out of trouble.

  • Wow Hate I miss that one beautiful video Richard 

  • yupp.. good times .. 

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