CALLYFEST Daydreaming 2018

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Looking back at the First Annual Virtual Sunny California CBG & Root Music Festival February 2-4, 2018

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  • Virtual memories, are they real? Thanks Uncle! It’s a bit slow here, but expecting things to pickup this weekend. The crowds are virtually large, and they want music and beer. 

  • It was a vintage year for CallyFest, thanks Derek!

  • Very nice.   Good music and a vacation for the eyes.   Good memories too, even if most are 'virtual'.   Thanks, Rick.   You are fine festing host. 

  • Great memories, Rick! 

  • Thanks James! Sorry you missed that one. Glad your back and making up for lost time is a big way. 

  • Thanks Dave! Most of those photos were contributions from attendees. Fun days indeed. 

  • Great days of those CallyFest beginnings, thanks Poorness!

  • Thanks A.D! Hate to see you packing up early. Thanks for the great music, you had the beach rockin. Thanks for the kind words and yes, nice to see you, drink some beer, and jam with you a bit.

  • Great video Rick I miss this one as I was very sick at the time looks like it was a fun festival  

  • Great look back Rick. You are truely amazing with the videography. Great music A. D.

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